Historic Pre-Bid Consulting

The first step BlackBerry takes to determine if a project in Michigan, Ohio or Indiana requires historic window restoration or window replication is visit the site and survey the condition of the existing window components. Our goal is to preserve the original windows as a first course of action. However, many projects are in such poor condition or have had the windows removed in prior years or renovations, that restoration is not possible. BlackBerry provides a written report called a Historic Window Site Review that details the existing conditions, recommended course of action, and budget pricing that the Owner or Architect can use as basis of review. This report includes a breakdown of window types, profiles, dimensions, quantity and square footage. Photos are included showing typical details and conditions of the windows and building. We provide various options to window restoration and window replacement so more than one direction for the work can be considered. This report has proven to be an effective tool when working with the NPS, SHPO, and local historic district commissions. BlackBerry has many available product options for the restoration or replication of all window material types including wood, steel, and aluminum.

Historic Window Site Review Samples